17 December 2004


I have a theory about what iPods are doing to civilization. Basically, these little devices are slowly putting an end to random conversations with strangers and everyday hellos. iPods allow us to walk through life without interacting with anyone else. With an iPod, you can completely block out all of the outside noise, all of the people on the streets, and just be alone. That's why I got one. For some reason, mine isn't working. I mean, yeah, the music plays, but people don't feel blocked out.

A few weeks ago, I was walking home from work and this woman stops me. Weird, I think, doesn't she see the headphones I am wearing. Doesn't she see the distant look in my eye that could only mean I am somewhere else? Apparently not. So, she wants to tell me about her bible group. I look around. There are tons of non-head-phoned pedestrians and she chose me. Perhaps that says something about my relationship with The Dude, but I'd like to think it says something about her lack of perception. After I politely explain that I am quite content with my non-church-going-sinful-self, I look over and see her cohort stopping another head-phoned pedestrian and I think, "perhaps they just have the same theory about iPods as I do."

Fast forward to today, I'm in New York, leaving the subway on my way to the office, and this woman stops me. She wants to know if she could take this subway train downtown. Again, I think, "are my headphones invisible." Apparently so. I guess the lesson is, you can only block out the world if the world is willing to let you block them out...or if you act like a scary crazed person who's headphones provide a direct line to God or aliens.

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