05 November 2008

A new day

Last night was a momentous night.  It was historical.  It was absolutely unbelievable.  Today is a new day for our country...and for me.  

Not only did we vote for Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States yesterday, but around that same time I learned that somewhere in this country, some lady is walking around posing as me.

Yes, that's her right up there.  Standing there enjoying Obama's success just like I would have had I actually been in Grant Park last night.  Perhaps her smirk is due to the realization that hundreds...ok tens of people were confusing her for me or perhaps she was happy about the fact that our world took a historic step forward...hard to tell.  And, apparently, it wasn't enough that she spread our image all over CNN, she also posed as me on MSNBC too (if I hear anything about FOX, she's gonna get it).

I have to tell you that I'm pretty sure that's not me.  The last I checked, I was eating pizza and watching election results at my friend's house. So, unless I have unwittingly figured out how to be in two places at once, I can safely conclude that the woman in that picture is not actually me.  

In order to identify this lady who has stolen my face (and, apparently, my glasses), I need your help.  All information about the identity and whereabouts of this woman will be greatly appreciated, but not rewarded (greatly or otherwise).  I thank you.


Phil said...

Post a notice on Chicago Craig's List!

Anonymous said...

maybe you have an identical twin sister and you were separated at birth. that would be such a cool way to find her!