04 April 2004

Sidewalk Sale - Tips for getting good deals

After my sidewalk sale today, I decided to pass on some tips for the potential sidewalk/yard/garage sale customer. These tips are not guaranteed to work, but, in my limited experience, following them can only help you...

Rule # 1 - Dude, be flexible.
The sale was scheduled to begin at 10:00 in the morning. At a little before 10, which was really 9 thanks to Daylight Savings Time, I began to set up. I had just begun bringing down the merchandise, when two very cranky and very old men approached. One says, "it's 10, where's the stuff?" I reply, "I'm just setting up." He responds, "wasn't it supposed to start at 10." While it was supposed to start at 10, I figured 5 minutes wouldn't kill anyone. Boy, was I wrong. After perusing and offering $0.50 for a working toaster over, the two old men left with a third old man, whom they met at my sale, in the third guy's minivan...they were going to find other sales...presumably sales with toaster ovens for fifty cents. I can only hope, for their sakes, that they started on time.

Rule # 2 - Don't say freaky things.
It was a crappy day, so I spent a lot of time sitting in a chair reading. All of a sudden a man approached and said, "Nothing but the chirps of the birds and the occasional pitter-patter of footsteps, makes this a good day for a read. Are you selling any records?" Uh...no.

Rule # 3 - Don't keep driving by as if you are a stalker
Remember the old guy with the minivan? Well, he drove buy approximately 10 times. I'm not sure what he was looking for, but he wasn't finding it...perhaps he thought I was saving the good stuff for later, maybe he was lost...most definitely, he was creepy.

Rule #4 - This ain't a used car lot
If someone is selling a working window fan for $4 when it would cost you upwards of $25 to buy a new one in the store, don't haggle them. Just pay the stinkin' $4. I'm not saying I'm not willing to make a deal, but be reasonable, cheapskate.

Hopefully, these tips will help you edge out the competition and take home the cheapest crap there is. Good luck!

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