12 November 2004

Are you My Missed Connection?

So, I'm a little obsessed. OK, quite a bit obsessed with the missed connections section on Craigslist. I don't know what it is. It's not like I think I'm going to meet my future husband through a website after making eye contact with him on the N-Judah (for the record, I've already met my future husband, he just hasn't realized our destiny yet). It would just be nice to be noticed by some slightly stalkerish figure who thinks he is going to meet his future wife through a website after making eye contact with her on the N-Judah. I understand that most of the people who get noticed are wearing superhero costumes or some other loud thing that I would never be caught dead in, but still I try. How, you ask...first, smiling at people. A lot of people don't smile at strangers. I do naturally, but I now make a point of it in case someone writes about the cute woman who smiled at them while walking down Market Street in the Financial District. Second, I lend a helping hand. Another thing I am prone to do, but when done with a smile, you'd think someone would be moved to posting. Finally, I try to wear one distinctive piece of clothing, not over the top, but a cute striped scarf or an adorable hat...just something, so that describing me on the internet is a little easier. Unfortunately, it's all for naught because try as I may, I still am no one's missed connection.

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