07 October 2003

A lot has been going on in my fine city. Recently, a gang of girls have been terrorizing people on buses throughout town. Last night, 5 pit bulls attacked a woman and her Jack Russell Terrier on the streets of San Francisco. One of the two leaders, if you will, was named "Gangsta." I am left with nothing but questions...
1. Who has five pit bulls,
2. When will we learn that naming our loved ones things like Gangsta will only lead to trouble,
3. Who fights on buses, and
4. Really, who has five pit bulls?

Questions aside, there is one thing that should be apparent to us all...something Fox television has been trying to show us for years. Animals attack and good pets do indeed go bad. And we thought it was just mindless entertainment...no, it was entertainment with a purpose. Finally, it tells me that young girls are very upset about MUNI's recent fare hike. Who has $1.25 anyway?

Think about it.

Call it an obsession if you must, but here is your Tiger update:

Today the New York Times ran an editorial in which they wrote, "tigers have enough problems." They, and I, are pissed at all of you out there with pet tigers. Pissed.

As for Roy, doctors are citing his "extraordinary will and strong physique" for keeping him alive. I call it luck.

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