01 November 2003

It's been a while. I was thinking tonight that perhaps my absence from "the stuff in my head" leads you all to think that there just isn't anything in my head at all. Well, that is just not true. For example, in the past week,
- I got a painful flu shot, which was quickly followed by a strange band-aid shaped welt on my arm (which upon recent investigation, is now a strange band-aid shaped scar),
- I made several life altering decisions,
- I played BINGO five times and lost every time (it really is a game of chance, not skill),
- I purchased some folding chairs and a hamper (and various other items from Bed, Bath, and Beyond - Beyond really means Kitchen crap, so why don't they just call it Bed, Bath, and Kitchen crap),
- and I tried for the last time to plug my printer in to my computer using cords that don't fit.

As you can see, there has been a ton of stuff in my head.

I was just watching the Truth about Charlie on television. Why, you ask? Because it was on and I am too lazy to change the channel when I can't find the remote. Without ruining the movie for those of you fortunate enough not to have seen it, the truth about the Truth about Charlie is that it sucks. It was weird and crappy and bad enough that several times throughout, I seriously considered getting up and changing the channel myself. I even considered turning off the t.v. and staring into space. If you can avoid it, do.

See, there is always something in my head...and, unfortunately, as of late, there is also always something on my arm too.

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